Monday, December 28, 2009

Trik Adsense Mudah Mendapatkan $1000/hari

Anda ingin mendapatkan $1000 /hari dengan Adsense?? trik google adsense
Bagi saya seorang blogger dan jga pencari receh melalui adsense tentunya sangat tergiur dengan uang $1000. Apalagi di dapatkan hanya dalam sehari saja dengan adsense. ingin rasanya angka tersebut menjadi milik saya.. tips google adsense

Sobat blogger, judul di atas hanyalah fiktif belaka. melalui postingan ini saya hanya mengingatkan saja bahwa bermain adsense itu tidaklah semudah membalik telapak tangan, apalagi seperti yang di gencar-gencarkan pada buku yang di jual. Mungkin sobat pernah melihat situs yang menjanjikan dapat penghasilan $200 - $1000/hari atau lebih. Menurut saya hal tersebut merupakan BOHONG besar, walaupun mereka menunjukkan gambar seperti di bawah ini:

trik mudah google adsense

Gambar diatas bisa anda dapatkan dengan mudah menggunakan layanan Google adsense money generator. Jika sobat tertarik silahkan bisa mengunjungi langsung sitenya di 
di situs tersebut sobat tinggal memasukkan penghasilan kemarin dan hari ini, lalu klik Generate cash. Mudah Kaaaaaaan....trik adsense

Semoga bermanfaat.. dan sobat tidak tertipu oleh sales yang mengatakan mendapat $1000 dari Adsense itu mudah. mudah mendapatkan $1000 dari google adsense

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Festival Museum Nusantara

Festival Museum Nusantara Taman Mini Indonesia Indah diadakan dengan tujuan mengumpulkan seluruh potensi anak bangsa dan menghormati karya para pendahulunya, agar anak bangsa peduli dengan keberadaan sebuah sejarah yang terdapat di museum, serta sebagai sarana edukasi dan membangun pradigma baru terhadap museum dan juga meningkatkan minat masyarakat untuk terus berkunjung ke museum.

Artikel Festival Museum Nisantara ini ditulis hanya untuk mengetes SERP aja.. hehehe... :D

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Mencari High Paying Keyword Google Adsense

Masih suka memancing dollar Adsense? Tentu temen-temen sudah kenal dengan istilah high paying keyword. Sedikit mengulas, high paying keyword adalah keyword atau kata kunci dengan cost per click (CPC) yang tinggi. Jangan kaget, bisa sampai $50 per click! Karena menggiurkan, high paying keyword (sering juga disingkat dengan HPK) selalu menjadi topik hot diantara publisher Adsense.
Saya memang lagi penasaran dengan pendapatan dari Adsense yang nyebelin banget krn cuma sen dolar terus, jadi waktu browsing ketemulah topik HPK ini, Bayangkan, CPC untuk keyword-keyword yang saya temukan minimal $43.77 sekali klik! Jadi jika rate $1 adalah Rp. 10.000, angka itu sama dengan Rp. 437.700. Meskipun kita tidak tahu berapa share yang dibagi oleh Google untuk publisher Adsense, dengan CPC segitu tentu saja earning Adsense kita cukup untuk beli sesuap nasi.

Cara Mencari High Paying Keyword
Pasti Anda ingin mengetahui, gimana sich ‘menemukan’ Keyword yang CPC-nya tinggi gitu? Berikut ini adalah langkah2 nya:
  1. Silahkan buka Google’s Keyword Tool
  2. Pilih Descriptive words or phrases.
  3. Masukkan keyword atau frase yang berhubungan dengan content blog anda pada textbox.
  4. Pastikan anda men-checklist Use synonyms.
  5. Masukkan kode CAPTCHA lalu klik Get keyword ideas.
  6. Pilih Show All pada option dropdown.
  7. Pilih $USD di bawah Calculate Estimates using Max CPC.
  8. Masukkan 100 pada box yang disediakan.
  9. Klik Recalculate untuk menampilkan perkiraan CPC untuk setiap keyword.
  10. Klik judul kolom Estimated Avg. CPC untuk mengurutkan tabel berdasarkan estimated CPC. Klik sekali lagi untuk mengurutkan tabel dari CPC tertinggi hingga terendah.
  11. Coba perhatikan pada daftar keyword dan frase yang ditampilkan. Amati apa ada keyword dan frase baru yang memberikan peluang peningkatan earning per klik Adsense anda.
  12. Berikutnya, anda bisa mengedit kembali content blog anda sehingga mengandung keyword/frase yang baru tadi, atau.. menggunakannya untuk menulis content anda berikutnya.
Cara Mengetahui High Paying Keyword di Content Blog kita:
  1. Buka Google’s Keyword Tool.
  2. Pilih Website Content.
  3. Masukkan URL blog anda ( atau URL postingan ) pada Enter a webpage URL to
  4. Klik Get keyword ideas.
  5. Pilih Show All dari dropdown box.
  6. Pastikan Group keywords by common terms telah dichecklist.
  7. Di bawah option Calculate Estimates using Max CPC: pilih USD $.
  8. Masukkan 100 pada box yang disediakan.
  9. Klik Recalculate.
  10. Setelah itu, Google Keyword Tool akan menampilkan perkiraan cost per click (CPC) dari setiap keyword.
  11. Klik judul kolom Estimated Avg. CPC untuk mengurutkan tabel berdasarkan estimated CPC. Klik sekali lagi untuk mengurutkan tabel dari CPC tertinggi hingga terendah. Pada tahap ini, anda akan mengetahui keyword-keyword pada content blog anda yang berpotensi memberi anda lebih banyak dollar Adsense.
Berbekal info di atas, anda dapat kembali mengevaluasi content blog anda, mengedit sedikit sana-sini dan mengatur penggunaan frase dan keyword sehingga content anda lebih tajam membidik keyword-keyword yang potensial tadi. Cara ini akan membantu Google untuk menampilkan iklan Adsense yang profitable pada halaman blog anda.
Selamat Mencoba...   (sumber: Blogiologi)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Insofta Cover Commander 3.1 Portable

Create 3D-images of a product box for a website or a paper publication

Cover Commander  is a program that creates professional, custom-designed virtual boxes, books, dvd-boxes, manuals, CD disks, and screenshots. This is a typical designer's task: create an image of a product box, book, manual, DVD, CD, Vista box, card (etc.) for a web site, electronic presentation or a paper publication.

In the past, this was done by photographers. It's a long and expensive process. Photographic images aren't perfect, have resolution limitations and you can hardly edit them. Today, designers normally use 3D-rendering software.

Synthetic images are perfectly clean. You can use various visual effects and transparent backgrounds to smoothly embed your graphics into existing designs. Additionally, you don't have to set up another photo session if you need to change something in your images. There's still a downside, though.

You need to own an expensive 3-rendering package and you need to be familiar with it. It takes time to create even a simple model. Your best option is to use a specialized 3-rendering application that does not require advanced knowledge in 3D design and allows you to create a professional graphic in minutes. Unfortunately, most of the available programs of this kind are rather limited.

They render a simple texturized parallelepiped. They use the 3D-rendering features of your video card that are normally intended for games and not for professional designs. Cover Commander from Insofta uses software rendering for maximum quality and does not require any specific 3D acceleration hardware. The program includes a wizard that allows you to create an image in a few quick steps.

The process of creating an image is highly customizable yet contains a set of presets for each step for fast and effortless customization. You start with a basic scene template: a box model, a box with a CD, book, manual, DVD-box, a 3D-screenshot, etc. The other wizard steps allow you to select images that you wish to put onto the 3D objects, set up light sources, shadows and reflections. The resulting image can be exported into a range of graphic formats, including PNG with alpha-channel.

Here are some key features of "Insofta Cover Commander":

· Get your cover designed in just a few mouse clicks.
· Let the built-in wizards do the dirty work for you and focus on the artistic details of the cover.
· Save the result image with transparent background and use the picture for the complex web or print designs.
· Save the light, shadow, and reflection settings under a unique name and use those settings in other projects.
· Set the result image size and margins in pixels.
· Cover Commander does not require 3D accelerator to render 3D objects.
· Don't pay more than what it actually costs to create a great cover. Create additional covers at no cost at all!

Download Link:

Download WinX DVD Author Full-version

WinX DVD Author is an application that designed to convert and burn Avi, Wmv, DivX, Mpeg, Xvid, RM, RMVB, Asf files to DVD. Use this software to create DVD from your digital video recorder, Webcam, or downloaded files.

With this DVD authoring software, it is easy and fast to create your stylish DVD by making DVD menu, clipping video segment, adding subtitles.

Here are some key features of "WinX DVD Author":

· Create DVD from RM,RMVB,Asf,Wmv,Avi,Divx,Mpeg,Vob files.
· Convert RM,Asf,Wmv Avi Divx Mpeg file to DVD (PAL / NTSC)
· Support RM,Asf,Wmv,Avi,Mpeg,Divx,Xvid ,Mov media format.
· Create DVD disc with DVD chapter Menu.
· High-Quality and fastest converting engine inside !
· Build DVD in 60 mins .(depends on your system speeds)
· Batch convert all movies direct to DVD.
· DVD Video Disk Burner Inside !
· Create DVD with DVD subtitles (*.srt)

Download WinX DVD Author Full-version

FLV to 3GP Converter v1.6

A easy to use FLV to 3GP converter Software for free, it's a conversion software which helps you convert FLV to 3GP. If you want to convert FLV to 3GP, this free FLV to 3GP converter is the best choice. Moreover, it is easy to use. And the conversion speed is super fast.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Membuat Tab Di Yahoo Messenger

Berikut adalah Cara untuk Mengaktifkan Tab di Yahoo Messenger kita.
Langkah²nya yaitu:
  1. Buka Notepad 
  2. CopyPaste Kode Berikut ke dalam Notepad:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    "Tabbed IM"=dword:00000001

  3. Save As dengan nama Tab_ym.reg
  4. Jalankan dengan cara mengeklik file tab_ym.reg tersebut.
  5. Restart YM anda
Lihat Hasilnya... :)

Mengenal Blue Screen pada Windows

Error ini yang paling sering muncul pada saat terjadi Blue Screen.
Pesan kesalahan ini biasanya disebabkan kerena ada ketidakcocokan driver yang terinstall di komputer.
- Driver yang bentrok atau tidak cocok
- Permasalahan pada Video Card, hal ini mencakup video card yang di overclock melebihi batas atau Anda baru berganti Video card dan Anda belum menguninstall driver Video card lama dari chipset berbeda
- Permasalahan pada Audio Card, meliputi kesalahan konfigurasi atau bug dalam driver sound card
2. NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM atau FAT_FILE_SYSTEM (0X00000024) atau (0X00000023)
Pesan error ini setidaknya sudah sedikit memberikan gambaran di mana kerusakan berada, yaitu ada di partisi atau filesystemnya tetapi bukan di harddisknya.
Kita bisa melakukan pengecekan dengan memeriksa kabel SATA atau PATA atau bisa mengecek partisi dengan tool chkdsk.
Bila Anda mendapatkan pesan error seperti ini, dapat disebabkan karena:
- Overclock Hardware yang berlebihan
- Komponen komputer yang terlalu panas
- BIOS yang korup
- Memory dan CPU yang cacat
Pesan error ini disebabkan karena adanya kemungkinan bahwa memory atau slot memory di motherboard rusak.
Pesan error ini disebabkan karena adanya kerusakan hardware, termasuk memory utama, memory video card, atau memory di processor (L2 Cache)
Pesan error ini disebabkan karena adanya kesalahan dalam konfigurasi jumper harddisk yang salah, virus boot sector, driver IDE controller yang salah, atau kesalahan driver chipset.
Pesan error ini disebabkan karena adanya Kesalahan terjadi pada instalasi driver video card yang kurang sempurna, restart pada saat instalasi atau juga dapat terjadi karena kesalahan dalam instalasi driver.
Pesan error ini disebabkan karena adanya Kesalahan ini dapat terjadi karena kesalahan atau driver yang tidak kompatibel. Sering terjadi saat melakukan instalasi XP dari upgrade, atau bukan dari instalasi baru.
Pesan error ini disebabkan karena adanya kerusakan RAM
Pesan error ini disebabkan oleh cacatnya CPU, atau yang di overclock secara agresif, serta power supply yang kekurangan daya atau rusak.

Cara Mempercepat Browser Firefox Menggunakan Add-ons Vacum

Firefox merupakan browser yang paling banyak digemari, karena firefox merupakan salah satu browser tercepat.
Firefox pernah diklaim sebagai firefox tercepat dan teririt dalam penggunaan memorinya.
Jika anda merupakan salah satu pengguna browser firefox, berikut ada beberapa tips untuk mempercepat lagi Browser Firefox anda.
Jika kita sering melakukan browsing, firefox ternyata menyimpan history kita kedalam database dan database tersebut bisa menyebabkan lambatnya proses startup firefox.
Untuk mengatasi hal itu anda dapat menggunakan add-ons yang bernama Vacuum.
Add-ons Vacuum berfungsi untuk “merapikan” file database firefox sehingga bisa mengoptimalkan kecepatan firefox saat melakukan loading.
Download dan install add-ons tersebut dan anda bisa merasakan perubahannya.

Cara Menghilangkan iklan di facebook

Bagi yang maniak dengan facebook, mungkin anda pernah melihat tampilan iklan yang ada di facebook, biasanya iklan tersebut terletak di samping kanan pada tampilan halaman profil facebook anda. Jika anda pernah merasa terganggu dengan adanya tampilan iklan tersebut, anda bisa menghilangkan iklan tersebut dengan menggunakan add-ons dari firefox dan script dari userstyles

Berikut langkah-langkahnya :
  1. Buka Browser Mozilla Firefox anda.
  2. Buka Link add-ons dibawah ini dan install di firefox anda.
  3. Setelah terinstall, restart firefox anda.
  4. Setelah itu buka link dibawah ini : 
  5. Klik Tombol “Install with Stylish”. Terletak pada pojok kanan atas.
  6. Setelah terinstall, restart firefox anda lagi.
  7. Buka facebook dan login dengan account anda.
  8. Coba masuk ke halaman profil, maka iklan di facebook anda akan hilang.
Untuk menampilan iklannya lagi anda tinggal menghilangkan centang yang ada pililhan add-ons tersebut yang terletak pada pojok kanan bawah firefox anda, demikian pula sebaliknya.
Untuk lebih jelasnya anda bisa melihat gambar dibawah ini :

CookieSwap Add-Ons Firefox untuk Multiple Login

CookieSwap adalah Add-Ons untuk browser Firefox yang memungkinkan anda dengan mudah mengatur semua cookie anda, sehingga Anda dapat melakukan multiple login ke account e-mail seperti Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, Hotmail atau login ke yang lain sebagai pengguna yang berbeda pada saat yang bersamaan dengan menggunakan satu browser yaitu Firefox.

Jika anda ingin melakukan login dengan menggunakan beberapa ID yang berbeda dari situs yang sama (ex: : facebook) tanpa harus melakukan log out kemudian sign in kembali pada situs tersebut maka add-ons CookieSwap dapat mengatasi permasalahan tersebut.
Untuk cara mengunakannya anda bisa melihat di situs resminya.

Homepage :
Download :

Selamat mencoba sob......

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ngerjain Lawan Chatting YM dengan Fake Webcam

Fake Webcam kalo di terjemahkan ke bahasa kita berarti web cam palsu. fake web cam itu sendiri yaitu Sebuah Software untuk menampilkan file gambar (jpg,png,gif) ataupun memainkan file Video (.avi, .mpeg, .flv , .wmv, .3gp) yang dapat dilihat baik melalui Yahoo Messenger maupun MSN Messenger. dengan Fake Webcam kita tidak perlu lagi menggunakan webcam sungguhan.

Software ini Cocok Banget buat kalian2 yang suka ngerjain temen2 chating di YM. :D

Bagaimana Menggunakan Fake Webcam ini?
Caranya Cukup Mudah:

  1. Install fake webcam (saya memakai fake webcam 6.1)
  2. Jalankan Yahoo Mesengger anda (saya pakai YM 8.x dan berjalan normal dengan software ini) 
  3. Login ke akun YM anda
  4. Jalankan Aplikasi Fake Webcam

  5. Tambahkan sebuah video (avi,mpg,mpeg,wmv,flv,3gp) melalui menu Control Panel –> Add File à pilih video anda – lalu tekan button play.

  6. Setelah itu baru anda konfigurasikan dengan status YM anda (view my webcam), caranya dengan memilih menu pada YM anda yaitu “Mesengger –> My Webcam”, nah lihatlah seakan – akan anda mempunyai web cam sungguhan namun dengan tayangan video yang anda tentukan itu tadi.

Sekarang lawan chat anda sudah bisa melihat cam anda tersebut, baik anda melakukan invite atau mereka yang rikuest.
Saya harap kita bias lebih bijak menggunakan software ini, dalam artian tidak terlalu disalah gunakan. Saya memakai sopware ini hanya untuk sekedar iseng.. hehehehe....

video showcam banyak anda temukan di youtube.
Download Software Fake Webcam

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Anti-Spam Solutions and Security

1. Overview

In a recent survey, 93% of respondents reported dissatisfaction with the large volume of unsolicited email (spam) they receive. [ref 1] The problem has grown to the point where nearly 50% of the world's email is spam [ref 2], yet only a few hundred groups are responsible. [ref 3] Many anti-spam solutions have been proposed and a few have been implemented. Unfortunately, these solutions do not prevent spam as much as they interfere with every-day email communications.
The problems posed by spam have grown from simple annoyances to significant security issues. The deluge of spam costs up to an estimated $20 billion each year in lost productivity -- according to the same document, spam within a company can cost between $600 and $1,000 per year for every user.[ref 4]


1.1 Security issues

In addition to the wasted time spent viewing and deleting spam, spam also poses security risks including:
  • Identity theft. Phishing and scams are distributed as spam, directly leading to identity theft and fraud. According to the Anti-Phishing Working Group, phishing spam increased 52% in January. [ref 5]
  • Viruses. New viruses, worms, and malware, such as Melissa, Love Bug, and MyDoom use spam techniques to propagate after being triggered by the user.
  • Combining exploits and spam. The distinction between malicious hackers and spammers has become less obvious. Many spammers have incorporated malicious code that targets browser, HTML, and Javascript vulnerabilities. For example, on 31-December-2002 a group of hackers in Brazil sent spam containing a hostile Javascript to millions of users. People that viewed this spam from Hotmail unknowingly compromised their accounts. As another example, the recent URL display problem with Internet Explorer, where a "%01" before the hostname can be used to hide the real hostname [ref 6], was incorporated into spam within a few weeks of the public announcement.
  • Combining viruses and spam. It is widely believed that some viruses are designed to assist spammers. For example, the SoBig worm installed open proxies that were used to relay spam. As spam becomes more prevalent, the use of malware and spyware to support spam is likely to increase.
The existing and proposed anti-spam solutions attempt to mitigate the spam problem and address security needs. By correctly identifying spam, the impact from email viruses, exploits, and identity theft can be reduced. These solutions implement various types of security in an effort to thwart spam.
Current anti-spam solutions fall into four primary categories: filters, reverse lookups, challenges, and cryptography. Each of these solutions offers some relief to the spam problem, but they also have significant limitations. The first part of this two-part paper looks at filters and reverse lookup solutions. The second part focuses on the various types of challenges, such as challenge-response and computational challenges as well as cryptographic solutions. While there are many different aspects to these solutions, this paper only discusses the most common and significant concerns -- this paper is not intended to be a complete listing of implementation options, solutions, and issues.

1.2 Common terminology

  • Sender. The person or process that is responsible for generating (initiating) the email.
  • Recipient. Any email account that receives the email. This may be specified in the email as a "To:", "CC:", or "BCC:".

1.3 Filters

Filters are used by a recipient system to identify and organize spam. There are many different types of filter systems including:
  • Word lists. Simple and complex lists of words that are known to be associated with spam. For example, "viagra".
  • Black lists and White lists. These lists contain known IP addresses of spam and non-spam senders, respectively.
  • Hash-tables. These systems summarize emails into pseudo-unique values. Repeated sightings of hash values are symptomatic of a bulk mailing.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Probabilistic systems. Systems such as Bayesian networks are used to learn word frequencies and patterns that usually are associated with both spam and non-spam messages.
Filters are ranked based on their false-negative and false-positive results. A false negative indicates an actual spam message that manages to pass the filter. In contrast, a false positive indicates a non-spam email that was incorrectly classified as spam. An ideal spam filter would generate no false-positives and very few false-negatives.
These filter-based anti-spam approaches have three significant limitations:
  • Bypassing filters. Spam senders and their bulk-mailing applications are not static -- they rapidly adapt around filters. For example, to counter word lists, spam senders randomize the spelling of words ("viagra", "V1agra", "\/iaagra"). Hash-busters (sequences of random characters that differ in each email) were created for bypassing hash filters. And the currently popular Bayesian filters are being bypassed by the inclusion of random words and sentences. Most spam filters are only effective for a few weeks at best. In order to maintain the viability of anti-spam systems, filter rule sets must be constantly updated -- usually on a daily or weekly basis.
  • False-positives. The more effective a spam filter, the higher the probability of misclassifying a desirable email as spam. For example, email containing the word "viagra" (e.g., the spam text "Free viagra" or a non-spam personal email "Hey, did you see that funny viagra commercial during the superbowl?") is almost certain to be marked as spam regardless of the content. Similarly, email from Comcast's subnet is blindly blocked by the SORBS blacklist because it is associated with DHCP addresses and not because the sender is associated with spam. Conversely, spam filters that generate virtually no false-positives are likely to generate a large amount of false-negatives.
  • Filter reviewing . Due to the possibility of false-positives, messages marked as spam are usually not immediately deleted. Instead, these messages are placed in "spam mailboxes" for future review. Unfortunately, this means that users still must view the spam, even if only by the subject, as they search for misclassified email. In essence, filters only assist in sorting incoming email.
More important than the limitations of spam filters is the common myth around the success of filters -- there is a widely held belief that filters stop spam. Spam filters do not stop spam. In all cases, the spam is still generated, still traverses the network, and still gets delivered. And unless the user does not mind missing the occasional misclassified desirable email, the spam is still viewed. While filters do help organize and separate email into spam and non-spam groupings, filters do not prevent spam.

1.4 Reverse lookup

Nearly all spam uses forged sender ("From:") addresses; very few spam emails use the sender's true email address. Furthermore, most forged email addresses appear to come from trusted domains. For example, in 15 months our spam archive collected 9300 emails that claimed to come from 2400 unique domains. The "" domain accounted for nearly 20% of sender addresses in the archive, but spam that actually came from the "" domain accounted for less than 1%. Similarly, "" and "" accounted for 5% each, and "" accounted for 3% even though spam, originating from all of these domains (cumulative), accounted for less than 1% of all spam received.
Spam senders forge email for numerous reasons.
  • Illegal. Many spam messages are scams and illegal in most countries. By forging the sender address, the spam sender can remain anonymous and prevent prosecution.
  • Undesirable. Most spam senders are aware that their messages are undesirable. By forging the sender address, they can mitigate the repercussion from sending millions of messages to millions of angry recipients.
  • ISP limitations. Most Internet service providers have contract clauses that prevent spamming. By forging the sender address, they reduce the likelihood of having their ISP cancel their network access.
By addressing the forgery problem, spam senders will lose the ability to remain anonymous. Without being able to operate anonymously, laws such as the U.S.-based CAN-SPAM Act will become enforceable for spammers operating from and in the United States.
In an effort to limit the ability to forge sender addresses, a number of proposed systems have surfaced for validating a sender's email. These systems include:
These approaches are very similar to each other and in many ways they are identical. DNS is a global network service used to match IP addresses with hostnames and vice versa. In 1986 DNS was extended to associate mail exchanger ("MX") records. [ref 7] When delivering email, a mail server determines where to pass the message based on the MX record associated with the recipient's domain name.
Similar to MX records, the reverse lookup solutions define reverse-MX records ("RMX" for RMX, "SPF" for SPF, and "DMP" for DMP) for determining whether email from a particular domain is permitted to originate from any particular IP address. The basic idea is that forged email addresses do not originate from the correct RMX (or SPF or DMP) address range and therefore can be immediately identified as forged.
While these solutions are viable in certain situations, they share some significant limitations.

1.4.1 Host-less and vanity domains

The reverse lookup approach requires email to originate from a known and trusted mail server located at a well-known IP address (the reverse-MX record). Unfortunately, the majority of domain names are not associated with static IP addresses. Omitting cyber squatters, the general case includes individuals and small companies that want to use their own domain rather than their ISP's, but cannot afford their own static IP address and mail server. DNS registration hosts, such as GoDaddy, provide free mail forwarding services to people that register host-less or vanity domains. Although these mail forwarding services can manage incoming email, they do not offer free out-going email access.
Reverse-lookup solutions cause a few problems for these host-less and vanity domain users:
  • No reverse-MX record. People sending email from a host-less or vanity domain simply configure their mail application to send email from their registered domain name. Unfortunately, a lookup of the sender's IP address will not find the sender's domain, and a lookup of the sender's domain may not find the correct reverse-MX record. The former is particularly common for mobile, dialup, and other users that frequently change IP addresses.
  • No outgoing mail. One possible solution requires relaying all outgoing email through the ISP's SMTP server. This would provide a valid reverse-MX record for sending email. Unfortunately, many ISP's do not permit relaying when the sender's domain is not the same as the ISP's domain.
In both cases, someone that uses a vanity domain, or a domain that does not have its own mail server, will be blocked by reverse-lookup systems.

1.4.2 Mobile computing

Mobile computing is a very common practice. People take their laptops to conferences, off-site meetings, and home in order to work away from the office or in a location that is convenient. Hotels, airports, and even coffee shops cater to the mobile computing crowd. Unfortunately, the reverse-lookup solution will likely prevent many mobile users from sending email.
  • Sending directly. There are two ways to send email. A user can login to a mail system using an external POP/IMAP/SMTP account, web mail or similar service, or a user can send email directly. Most companies do not permit external access to their mail services; mobile users usually configure their laptops to send email directly. Unfortunately, the problems with sending email directly are the exact same as the problems with host-less domains -- a reverse lookup of the domain will not include the sender's IP address, and a reverse lookup of the senders IP address will not reveal the domain.
  • Mail relaying. The alternative to sending directly requires all companies and domain systems to provide external mail services for their off-site and mobile users. In many situations, this is both undesirable and impractical. As an example, from a strictly network-security viewpoint, POP3 transmits usernames and passwords in plain text. Thus, any attacker sniffing the network will see valid login credentials. IMAP can be used with SSL and supports secure authentication, but not all servers support this. SMTP also supports SSL or TLS but again, many organization's servers do not support this or use only server-side certificates. Web mail over HTTPS is only as secure as the client-side certificates. Since most sites only use server-side certificates, HTTPS offer very little protection from man-in-the-middle network attacks.
While reverse-lookup solutions are viable for internal networks, these are not globally practical for external practice. Companies that wish to support host-less domains, vanity domains, and mobile or off-site users may wish to reconsider implementing reverse-lookup anti-spam technologies.

2. Summary

Spam has reached epidemic proportions and people are looking for quick fixes of any kind. Spam filters are the most successful solution to date -- filters attempt to identify spam and limit a recipient's exposure. But filters do not prevent spam any more than recording a television show with a VCR prevents TV commercials. Reverse-lookup systems attempt to address the forgery problem. While reverse lookups are viable in closed environments, such as a corporate internal network, the solutions are not general enough for worldwide acceptance.
technorati token: NTTMUW2GAMZV

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Basmi Spyware dengan Spyware Terminator

Sudah Pada tau tentang Spyware kan,,,?? kalo belum silahkan baca dulu artikel tentang spyware. Sopwer "Spyware Terminator" ini merupakan freeware alias gratisan, salah satu ke-unggulan software ini di bandingkan dengan AntiSpyware lainnya adalah tersedianya fungsi real time protection yang ter-update otomatis tanpa perlu membayar sepeser pun.

Software freware ini selain memantau serangan spyware juga dapat memantau malware lainnya, seperti keylogger, trojan horse, dan browser hijacker. selain itu program ini juga dapat mengintregasikan antivirus ClamAV sehingga software ini juga dapat mengatasi virus-virus nakal.

terdapat pula feature HIPS singkatan dari host intrusion prevention system yang jika di aktifkan, spyware terminator akan mencipatakan sebuah data base file-file executable di dalam komputer kita dan akan memperingatkan jika terdapat aplikasi yang tidak ter-catat dalam database dan mencoba menjalankan dirinya sendiri.
juga tersedia fasilitas Web Security Guard yang memonitor web broser dan mencegah spyware dan kawan-kawan menyerbu masuk dari web yang dapat di intregasikan pada Internet Explorer dan Mozilla Firefox.
Jika Kalian tertarik untuk mendownloadnya silahkan kunjungi

Pengertian Spyware

Spyware secara umum adalah sejenis program yg mengoleksi dan mentranfer informasi ttg seseorang dan kebiasaan browsingnya untuk keperluan iklan/promosi. Namun akhir2 ini spyware dpt digunakan untuk tujuan lain, yaitu mencuri data2 penting yg ada di komputer seseorang seperti, password, no PIN, alamat dll.
Spyware merupakan turunan dari adware, yang memantau kebiasaan pengguna dalam melakukan penjelajahan Internet untuk mendatangkan “segudang iklan” kepada pengguna. Tetapi, karena adware kurang begitu berbahaya (tidak melakukan pencurian data), spyware melakukannya dan mengirimkan hasil yang ia kumpulkan kepada pembuatnya (adware umumnya hanya mengirimkan data kepada perusahaan marketing).
Sedangkan Adware adalah istilah teknologi informasi dalam bahasa Inggris yang mengacu kepada sebuah jenis perangkat lunak mencurigakan (malicious software/malware) yang menginstalasikan dirinya sendiri tanpa sepengetahuan pengguna dan menampilkan iklan-iklan ketika pengguna berselancar di Internet.
Adware adalah salah satu jenis perangkat lunak yang bersifat “stealth” (tidak terlihat) dan seringnya terinstalasi ke dalam sistem ketika pengguna mengunduh perangkat lunak freeware atau shareware dari Internet. Ada banyak adware yang beredar di Internet, dan beberapa adware tersebut memantau kebiasaan pengguna dalam menjelajahi Internet, dan mengirimkan informasi ini kepada perusahaan marketing sehingga mereka mengirimkan iklan kepada pengguna yang bersangkutan. Beberapa perangkat lunak komersial juga mengandung komponen adware yang kadang disebutkan dalam End-User License Agreement (EULA) atau tidak. Contohnya adalah web browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 yang merangkul 

Tanda2 terkena spyware:
  1. Browser membuka popup yg tidak diinginkan, atau juga popup windows. Biasanya isinya spt ini “Your computer has been infected by spyware, click OK to download xxx anti spyware” //update
  2. Homepage pada browser berubah
  3. Adanya toolbar yg tidak dikenal di browser
  4. Pada menu favorite/ bookmark muncul link2 yg mengarah ke web yg berbau porno dan judi dll
  5. Munculnya shortcut di desktop yg mengarah ke web yg berbau porno atau judi dll
  6. Penurunan kinerja komputer secara drastis
  7. Program security seperti antivirus maupun firewall terdisable
  8. Di task manager terdapat service yg tidak dikenal
  9. Tagihan telpon melonjak (yg pakai koneksi dial up)
  10. Aktivitas sent pada saat idle lebih besar upload.
Cara Mencegah
  1. Gunakan anti spyware yg real time scanner (+ yg up to date)
  2. Gunakan firewall yg mempunyai inbound dan outbound protection
  3. Gunakan browser yg aman (firefox, opera). Kalo masih ingin menggunakan internet explorer, harap disetting yg aman.
  4. Jangan mengunjungi web yg bersifat porno,judi, dsb
  5. Tiap kali menginstall program dibaca dulu eulanya. Soalnya ada beberapa program yg terang2an di eulanya nulis akan menginstall spyware bersamaan dengan program.
  6. Gunakan operating system yg selalu up to date
  7. Jgn membuka attachment email jika dari orang yg tidak dikenal.
  8. Jgn mengklik “agree” or “ok” untuk menutup window. Lebih baik klik “x” atau tekan alt + f4
  9. Backup registry, soalnya kalo terkena spyware, walaupun sudah dibersihkan, registry akan tetap kacau
Cara Mengatasi:
  1. Scan dengan antispyware
  2. Lewat task manager->process, kill service2 yg berkaitan dengan spyware. Untuk detailnya, gunakan command prompt
    ketikan “tasklist /svc” (win xp pro). Disini ditampilkan setiap program yg dijalankaan oleh sebuah service. Atau gunakan “process explorer” Download disini
  3. Hapus registry yg berkaitan dengan spyware di
    hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows\curr entversion -> run,run-, dan runonce
    biasanya ga perlu, soalnya biasanya sudah dihapus oleh porgram antispywarenya.
  4. Restore backup registry