There may be some doubt as to who are the best people to have charge of children, but there can be no doubt that parents are the worst. ~George Bernard Shaw
Certain peer pressures encourage little fingers to learn how to hold a football instead of a crayon. Rumors circulate around the schoolyard: kids who draw or wear white socks and bring violins to school on Wednesdays might have cooties. I confess to having yielded to these pressures. ~Chris Van Allsburg

Success is a tale of obstacles overcome, and for every obstacle overcome, an excuse not used. ~Robert Brault,

Soldiers who are not afraid of guns, bombs, capture, torture or death say they are afraid of homosexuals. Clearly we should not be used as soldiers; we should be used as weapons. ~Letter to the editor, The Advocate
Mirrors should think longer before they reflect. ~Jean Cocteau
All man's troubles come from not knowing how to sit still in one room. ~Blaise Pascal, Pensees, 1670
Cheerfulness is what greases the axles of the world. Don't go through life creaking. ~H.W. Byles
It was a very lonely spirit that looked out from underneath those shaggy brows and comprehended men without fully communing with them, as if in spite of all its genial efforts at comradeship, it dwelt apart, saw its visions of duty where no man looked on. ~Woodrow Wilson
Inking without a plan gives Booth freedom to explore the desires of those seated in his chair, he says, to feed off their energy, allowing his clients' demons to help guide the needle. ~Joshua Lipton, about tattoo artist Paul Booth, "Bad Skin," Rolling Stone, 28 March 2002

There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. ~Proverbs 11:24
To unpathed waters, undreamed shores. ~William Shakespeare

Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas. ~Peg Bracken

It is not hard to learn more. What is hard is to unlearn when you discover yourself wrong. ~Martin H. Fischer
Because the heart beats under a covering of hair, of fur, feathers, or wings, it is, for that reason, to be of no account? ~Jean Paul Richter
The truth brings with it a great measure of absolution, always. ~R.D. Laing
Procrastination is the thief of time. ~Edward Young Professional wrestling's most mysterious hold is on its audience. ~Luke Neely, 1953
A game of great charm in the adoption of mathematical measurements to the timing of human movements, the exactitudes and adjustments of physical ability to hazardous chance. The speed of the legs, the dexterity of the body, the grace of the swing, the elusiveness of the slide - these are the features that make Americans everywhere forget the last syllable of a man's last name or the pigmentation of his skin. ~Branch Rickey, May 1960
It seemed to be a necessary ritual that he should prepare himself for sleep by meditating under the solemnity of the night sky... a mysterious transaction between the infinity of the soul and the infinity of the universe. ~Victor Hugo
Women are all female impersonators to some degree. ~Susan Brownmiller
I wanted to have a career in sports when I was young, but I had to give it up. I'm only six feet tall, so I couldn't play basketball. I'm only 190 pounds, so I couldn't play football. And I have 20-20 vision, so I couldn't be a referee. ~Jay Leno
Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language. ~Henry James
Statistics are like women; mirrors of purest virtue and truth, or like whores to use as one pleases. ~Theodor Billroth
The problem with fundamentalists insisting on a literal interpretation of the Bible is that the meaning of words change. A prime example is 'Spare the rod, spoil the child.' A rod was a stick used by shepherds to guide their sheep to go in the desired direction. Shepherds did not use it to beat their sheep. The proper translation of the saying is 'Give your child guidance, or they will go astray.' It does not mean 'Beat the shit out of your child or he will become rotten' as many fundamentalist parents seem to belive. ~Author Unknown
Long A: No, but here is where I am and am not:
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