Monday, May 2, 2011

what does amor de mi vida mean

what does amor de mi vida mean

what does amor de mi vida mean what does amor de mi vida mean what does amor de mi vida mean

what does amor de mi vida mean what does amor de mi vida mean what does amor de mi vida mean

God forbid that India should ever take to industrialism after the manner of the west... keeping the world in chains. If our nation took to similar economic exploitation, it would strip the world bare like locusts. ~Mahatma Gandhi

To the question of your life you are the answer, and to the problems of your life you are the solution. ~Joe Cordare

Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will. ~Vernon Howard

I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer. ~Jim Carrey

I hate quotations. Tell me what you know. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson, Journals and Miscellaneous Notebooks, May 1849

Oh that this too too solid flesh would melt, thaw and resolve itself into a dew. ~William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Inside my empty bottle I was constructing a lighthouse while all the others were making ships. ~Charles Simic

The law is an adroit mixture of customs that are beneficial to society, and could be followed even if no law existed, and others that are of advantage to a ruling minority, but harmful to the masses of men, and can be enforced on them only by terror. ~Peter Kropotkin, Words of a Rebel

Hockey players wear numbers because you can't always identify the body with dental records. ~Author Unknown

In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. ~Albert Schweitzer

Marriage means commitment. Of course, so does insanity. ~Author Unknown

Because of our Congressional committee system, our government is closer to a gerontocracy than a democracy. ~Charles Frankel

Fortune does not change men; it unmasks them. ~Suzanne Necker

Men look at themselves in mirrors. Women look for themselves. ~Elissa Melamed

Illegal aliens have always been a problem in the United States. Ask any Indian. ~Robert Orben

Under every full moon, a woolgathering world idles. ~Lorraine Skylark

Every sport pretends to a literature, but people don't believe it of any other sport but their own. ~Alistair Cooke

If America ever passes out as a great nation, we ought to put on our tombstone: America died from a delusion she had Moral Leadership. ~Will Rogers

Prayer had always struck me as more or less a glorified attempt at a business transaction. ~Barbara Kingsolver, Animal Dreams

No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow. ~Lin Yutang


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