i love you cousin quotes

A cloudless plain blue sky is like a flowerless garden. ~Terri Guillemets
All programmers are playwrights and all computers are lousy actors. ~Author Unknown
A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on cold iron. ~Horace Mann
The fire you kindle for your enemy often burns yourself more than them. ~Chinese Proverb
The great men of science are supreme artists. ~Martin H. Fischer
We are never completely contemporaneous with our present. History advances in disguise; it appears on stage wearing a mask of the preceding scene, and we tend to lose the meaning of the play. ~Regis Debray, Revolution in the Revolution?
Your picture's in my wallet and I'm sitting on it. And if that isn't love, I don't know what is. ~Frank Burns
Henry James once defined life as that predicament which precedes death, and certainly nobody owes you a debt of honor or gratitude for getting him into that predicament. But a child does owe his father a debt, if Dad, having gotten him into this peck of trouble, takes off his coat and buckles down to the job of showing his son how best to crash through it. ~Clarence Budington Kelland
One key to success is to have lunch at the time of day most people have breakfast. ~Robert Brault, www.robertbrault.com
The greatest feeling in the world is to win a major league game. The second-greatest feeling is to lose a major league game. ~Chuck Tanner, quoted in The Sporting News, 15 July 1985
We do not deal much in facts when we are contemplating ourselves. ~Mark Twain
I believe that every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty. ~John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
Tomatoes and squash never fail to reach maturity. You can spray them with acid, beat them with sticks and burn them; they love it. ~S.J. Perelman, Acres and Pains, 1951
Resolve to be thyself; and know that he who finds himself, loses his misery. ~Matthew Arnold, "Self-Dependence," Empedocles on Etna, and Other Poems, 1852
There is scarcely any writer who has not celebrated the happiness of rural privacy, and delighted himself and his reader with the melody of birds, the whisper of groves, and the murmur of rivulets. ~Samuel Johnson
No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting. ~Mary Wortley Montagu
You couldn't get hold of the things you'd done and turn them right again. Such a power might be given to the gods, but it was not given to women and men, and that was probably a good thing. Had it been otherwise, people would probably die of old age still trying to rewrite their teens. ~Stephen King, The Stand
Waste not the smallest thing created, for grains of sand make mountains, and atomies infinity. Waste not the smallest time in imbecile infirmity, for well thou knowest that seconds form eternity. ~E. Knight
Leisure tends to corrupt, and absolute leisure corrupts absolutely. ~Edgar A. Shoaff
Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better. ~Andre Gide
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