Saturday, April 30, 2011

poems for your mom

poems for your mom

poems for your mom poems for your mom poems for your mom

poems for your mom poems for your mom poems for your mom

It is singular how soon we lose the impression of what ceases to be constantly before us. A year impairs, a luster obliterates. There is little distinct left without an effort of memory, then indeed the lights are rekindled for a moment - but who can be sure that the Imagination is not the torch-bearer? ~Lord Byron

I venture to maintain that there are multitudes to whom the necessity of discharging the duties of a butcher would be so inexpressibly painful and revolting, that if they could obtain a flesh diet on no other condition, they would relinquish it forever. ~W.E.H. Lecky

Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been. ~Mark Twain, Following the Equator

I wish there was a knob on the TV so you could turn up the intelligence. They got one marked "brightness" but it don't work, does it? ~Leo Anthony Gallagher

I don't know. I never smoked AstroTurf. ~Tug McGraw, when asked if he preferred grass or artificial turf, 1974

The trouble ain't that there is too many fools, but that the lightning ain't distributed right. ~Mark Twain

Till now man has been up against Nature; from now on he will be up against his own nature. ~Dennis Gabor, Inventing the Future, 1963

All that we know is nothing, we are merely crammed waste-paper baskets, unless we are in touch with that which laughs at all our knowing. ~D.H. Lawrence, "Peace and War," Pansies, 1929

Wisdom doesn't necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself. ~Tom Wilson

I like intellectual reading. It's to my mind what fiber is to my body. ~Grey Livingston

If a man love the labour of any trade apart from any question of success or fame, the gods have called him. ~Robert Louis Stevenson

Every wise man lives in an observatory. ~Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare, Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers, 1827

I prefer liberty to chains of diamonds. ~Mary Worley Montagu

If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian. ~Paul McCartney

Art is not a thing; it is a way. ~Elbert Hubbard

Unless we all conform, unless we follow our leaders blindly, there is no possible way we can remain free. ~Frank, "Novocaine Mutiny," original airdate 27 January 1976, written by Burt Prelutsky, directed by Harry Morgan Unless we change direction, we are likely to end up where we are going. ~Author Unknown

We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails. ~Author Unknown

Nothing ever gets anywhere. The earth keeps turning round and gets nowhere. The moment is the only thing that counts. ~Jean Cocteau, Professional Secrets, 1922

I've seen and met angels wearing the disguise of ordinary people living ordinary lives. ~Tracy Chapman

Nothing is more fatal to Health, than an over Care of it. ~Benjamin Franklin


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