miss you quotes for girlfriend

Love is the most important thing in the world, but baseball is pretty good too. ~Author unknown, attributed to an 8-year-old named Greg
The United States is a nation of laws: badly written and randomly enforced. ~Frank Zappa
He who hasn't hacked assembly language as a youth has no heart. He who does so as an adult has no brain. ~John Moore
There is probably no more obnoxious class of citizen, taken end for end, than the returning vacationist. ~Robert Benchley
If man has no tea in him, he is incapable of understanding truth and beauty. ~Japanese Proverb
In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot. ~Mark Twain, Notebook, 1935 In the beginning there was nothing. God said, "Let there be light!" And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better. ~Ellen DeGeneres
It's a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money. ~Albert Camus
No matter how much cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens. ~Abraham Lincoln
In a man's middle years there is scarcely a part of the body he would hesitate to turn over to the proper authorities. ~E.B. White
A little learning is a dangerous thing, but a lot of ignorance is just as bad. ~Bob Edwards
Dogs eat. Cats dine. ~Ann Taylor
Man embraces in his makeup all the natural orders; he's a squid, a mollusk, a sucker and a buzzard; sometimes he's a cerebrate. ~Martin H. Fischer
Prize fighters can sometimes read and write when they start - but they can't when they finish. ~Martin H. Fischer
Silence is exhilarating at first - as noise is - but there is a sweetness to silence outlasting exhilaration, akin to the sweetness of listening and the velvet of sleep. ~Edward Hoagland
Tomorrow is the only day in the year that appeals to a lazy man. ~Jimmy Lyons
Faith and knowledge lean largely upon each other in the practice of medicine. ~Peter Mere Latham
Time is a brisk wind, for each hour it brings something new... but who can understand and measure its sharp breath, its mystery and its design? ~Paracelsus
Docs? Oh, you mean the stuff you wipe up coffee with? ~Author Unknown
When a watch goes ill, it is not enough to move the hands; you must set the regulator. When a man does ill, it is not enough to alter his handiwork, you must regulate his heart. ~Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare, Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers, 1827
Hmmm, how to "can a day?" You know, those days that seem just perfect you want access to them whenever the need arises. ~Jeb Dickerson, www.howtomatter.com
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