poems for broken hearts

I am rather inclined to silence, and whether that be wise or not, it is at least more unusual nowadays to find a man who can hold his tongue than to find one who cannot. ~Abraham Lincoln
Small is the number of people who see with their eyes and think with their minds. ~Albert Einstein
We have grown literally afraid to be poor. We despise anyone who elects to be poor in order to simplify and save his inner life. If he does not join the general scramble and pant with the money-making street, we deem him spiritless and lacking in ambition. ~William James
Great food is like great sex. The more you have the more you want. ~Gael Greene
Be what you would seem to be - or, if you'd like it put more simply - never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise. ~Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Things are not as bad as they seem. They are worse. ~Bill Press
It is a mistake for a sculptor or a painter to speak or write very often about his job. It releases tension needed for his work. ~Henry Moore
Advertisements are now so numerous that they are very negligently perused, and it is therefore become necessary to gain attention by magnificence of promises and by eloquence sometimes sublime and sometimes pathetick. ~Samuel Johnson
Irons rusts from disuse, stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind. ~Leonardo da Vinci, Notebooks, 1508
Memory is a child walking along a seashore. You never can tell what small pebble it will pick up and store away among its treasured things. ~Pierce Harris, Atlanta Journal
I'm sixty years of age. That's 16 Celsius. ~George Carlin, Brain Droppings, 1997
Discretion is being able to raise your eyebrow instead of your voice. ~Author Unknown
On the bathing-tub of King T'ang the following words were engraved: "If you would one day renovate yourself, do so from day to day. Yea, let there be daily renovation." ~Confucian Analects
I know that two and two make four - & should be glad to prove it too if I could - though I must say if by any sort of process I could convert 2 & 2 into five it would give me much greater pleasure. ~George Gordon, Lord Byron
Be wary of the man who urges an action in which he himself incurs no risk. ~Joaquin de Setanti
You'll never have a quiet world till you knock the patriotism out of the human race. ~George Bernard Shaw
Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor. ~Truman Capote
Everything you read in newspapers is absolutely true, except for that rare story of which you happen to have first-hand knowledge. ~Erwin Knoll
The politicians say "we" can't afford a tax cut. Maybe we can't afford the politicians. ~Steve Forbes
You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ~Desmond Tutu
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