tattoo quotes for girls about love
I intend to live forever. So far, so good. ~Steven Wright
The charm of baseball is that, dull as it may be on the field, it is endlessly fascinating as a rehash. ~Jim Murray
Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don't let anybody else use it, and get a new one every six months. ~Clifford Stoll
Sorrow makes us all children again - destroys all differences of intellect. The wisest know nothing. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
I believe in God; I just don't trust anyone who works for him. ~Author unknown, from a stand-up comedy routine on television
Nobody has ever before asked the nuclear family to live all by itself in a box the way we do. With no relatives, no support, we've put it in an impossible situation. ~Margaret Mead
If the anti-abortion movement took a tenth of the energy they put into noisy theatrics and devoted it to improving the lives of children who have been born into lives of poverty, violence, and neglect, they could make a world shine. ~Michael Jay Tucker
Establishing goals is all right if you don't let them deprive you of interesting detours. ~Doug Larson Eternity alone can reveal to the human race its debt of gratitude to the peerless and immortal name of Washington. ~James A. Garfield
I would never read a book if it were possible for me to talk half an hour with the man who wrote it. ~Woodrow Wilson
Children have neither past nor future; they enjoy the present, which very few of us do. ~Jean de la Bruyere Children have neither past nor future; they enjoy the present, which very few of us do. ~Jean de la Bruyere
If you're attacking, you don't get as tired as when you're chasing. ~Kyle Rote, Jr.
All love is probationary, a fact which frightens women and exhilarates men. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966
Flatterers look like friends, as wolves like dogs. ~George Chapman
It takes a long time to become young. ~Pablo Picasso
Poverty, Frost, Famine, Rain, Disease, are the beadles and guardsmen that hold us to Common Sense. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Golf is like a love affair. If you don't take it seriously, it's no fun; if you do take it seriously, it breaks your heart. ~Arthur Daley
In every Heart...awaits Your Angel. ~Michael, @WhereAngelsCome
Are you wrinkled with burden? Come to God for a faith lift. ~Author Unknown
Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person. ~Mother Teresa
Chili represents your three stages of matter: solid, liquid, and eventually gas. ~Roseanne, "Don't Make Me Over," May 1992, spoken by character Dan Conner
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